Version History

Version VerDate Description
6.6.2 10-Dec-2023 A)UnPaid LHP Register Brokerwise B)TDS in Party Ledger,C) Addition of PAN Master,D) General Voucher Register : Addition of cash and cheque columns
6.6.0 15-Jul-2023 A)Addition Of LHPM (Multi Challan) B) GST Addition in PartyWise Bill register C) Bill Cn Amount Total In Bill Print D)Bug Fixes
6.5.0 30-May-2023 A)Addition of Bank in CBS B)Optional Adding of VehNo,PoNo,InvNo,BkgNote in Bill,C) CBS Reconcillation,D)CBS Report Branch Filter
6.4.0 01-Oct-2022 A)POD UPload Enabled B) Bill Amt and rate format changed to decimal places C)Updated Payment Register Add Bill Ded Column
6.3.0 04-Jul-2022 A) Auto Number Generation of Bill and MR B) Add Option in Station Master C) Third Party Loan and Lending installment Details Check in Voucher D) Cbs Query Search Bug Fix E) EMD/SD/Bank Gaurantee Voucher Added F) Addition Signature in Bill Submission Letter
6.0.2 10-Mar-2022 A)Database Utility B)Updated CRM Report
6.0.1 10-Jan-2022 Business Register Partywise
6.0.0 08-Oct-2021 MR TDS UPDATE
5.9.0 02-Oct-2021 A)User Signature Upload B) Bug Fixes C) Addition of Freight on Value and LR charge in Bill D) Cbs Report
5.8.0 25-Jul-2021 A)Age Wide OS B) Optional Bill Rem C) Addition of Consignment in Mmc D) Incidental Entry in MMC
5.7.0 05-Mar-2021 A) Addition of Broker PAN -- Broker Master -- Challan -- Reflection Broker PAN on Challan Print , LHP Entry Screen B) Document Lock Feature -- New Access edit locked doc is created assinged Admin and Cheif Executive C) Subscription Invoice Printing
5.6.0 21-Feb-2021 A) Costing Report B) Costing Summary C)Costing Scheduler D) Permit Alert Notification
5.5.0 02-Feb-2021 A) Permit Details and InCnNo Added in Consignment B) Bill Submission Register C)Server Migration
5.4.0 28-Dec-2020 A)Fleet Agent Bill B)Payment Register C)Bill Register
5.3.0 27-Sep-2020 IBT Module
5.2.0 15-Sep-2020 A) MR Register B)Challan Register
5.1.0 29-Aug-2020 TripSheet Module
5.0 12-Aug-2020 A)FleetMaster - For Company Vehicle Only. -- Validation on Challan -- Validation on Fleet and TripSheet Voucher B) FleetCardMaster -- For Fleet Card like Fuel Card , FastTagCard. In FuelCard Voucher and FastTag Voucher Card number is mandatory. -- Validation on FuelCard Voucher -- Validtion on FastTag Recharge Voucher C)Now Bill can be prepared for Advance payment recieved from Consignor and ToPay payment from Cosignee.
4.8 09-Aug-2020 A) Roll Based Access Enabled for Users B) RollAccess Mapping Module developed for Support Users. C) Consignment , Challan , Bill , MR will Populated in Initial Screen order by Last Updated
4.7 07-Aug-2020 A) Bill has additional column as Bill Reference to Capture QtnNo /Contract No etc. This will be printed in Bill. B)User Branch Scope is enabled for all Document . User Can view and edit only document in user scope . C) All Operational Document CN/BIL/CHL/DPR/BIL/MR will show Last Updated date and Name of User who edit last time. This is only for audit purpose
4.6 03-Aug-2020 A) New PartyType is Addd in PartyMaster as Customer,FleetAgent,ThirdParty B) Now SubOS Report will have Option to Select Party Type
4.5 01-Aug-2020 A) Document Control Card B) Bug fixes
4.4 29-Jul-2020 A) IBT Voucher B) OtherStation PayMode for Other Station Cheque
4.3 28-Jul-2020 A) Credit Voucher Freight Realisation for On Account Adjustment B) New Validation and Bug Fixes
4.2 22-Jul-2020 A) Voucher Module B) CBS Module
4.1 05-Jul-2020 A) MMC Module B) PaidTo and PAN in LHPM Voucher
4.0 26-Jun-2020 LHPM Module
3.5.0 13-Jun-2020 GST related Correction in bill. A) In Bill-Note Penality Clause addded . It is configurable . B) State Code and PAN Number of Billing party will be added in Print . This data will be extracted from GST Number of Party. C) GST Declaration (Optional) D)New Freight Type Added RTO,IGST,CGST,SGST E) Fixed Duplicate word in Station Name
3.4.0 20-Mar-2020 1) Report Notification A) Email Notification for Reports B) UI Notification for Report C) Daily, Weekly,FortNightly,Monthly Frequency Added D) UnSubOS Summary Delivered E) UnSubOS Summary F) SubOS Summary G) Business Performance Report 2)Auto Alert to Every User when A) New Branch is added. B) New User is added. C) Subscription is Renewed D) Subscription is going to be expired
3.3.0 15-Mar-2020 A)Bill Print with multiple Pages B) Enterprise Configuration C) Bug Fixes
3.2.0 10-Mar-2020 A)Tar Print B) Query Updation for TAR C) Bug Fixes
3.1.0 05-Mar-2020 A)Tar Entry B) Short/Excess/Damage/Leakage in Tar C) Bug Fixes and SAC Number in Bill
3.0.0 24-Feb-2020 A)Challan Entry B) VehicleMaster C) BrokerMaster D) Stock F) Bug Fixes
2.2.0 05-Feb-2020 A) Bill X Type with Reference B) MR Updation for Rel of X Type Bill C) Cosmatic Changes for Home Screen for Mobiles
2.1.0 31-Jan-2020 A) Bill Entry Navigation B) Query for Bill MR and CNs C) Addition of Bill and MR Number in Booking Register and Delivery Register
2.0.0 27-Jan-2020 A) MR for Bill and Cn B) Submitted Outstanding
1.2.1 10-Jan-2020 A)Option Bill with Adv/Part Billing B) Consignment Tracking
1.2.0 05-Jan-2020 A)Notification -Eml Notification -UI Notification B) Version History
1.0.1 27-Dec-2019 A) Bug Fixes B) Validation on CN Entry and Bill Entry Screen
1.0.0 25-Dec-2019 A) Operation Module - Consignment Entry B) Billing Module - Bill Entry